Coming with good or bad energies at home … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Coming with good or bad energies at home … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

It takes years to understand that you must not bring bad energies into your home.
A child having problems at school with the classmates will not come back very happy at home.
A person that works in a supermarket, dealing with hundreds of customers in one day, or even thousands, will be very low energy when is coming home etc.
What kind of interactions we have in our families after such a difficult day?! … what is happening into the harmony of our homes?!
In most of the times we dont know how to manage our emotions, our interactions with other people and somehow we bring those bad influences at home … which is really bad.
I dont remember any courses from school, teaching me this important lesson for life.
We learn so many formulas in mathematics, formulas that we will never use in life … but such a simple theory of energies we are bringing into our homes is nowhere teached.
But here is one question: can we also bring good energies into our families?!
I will tell you a story, about a close friend of mine from a faraway country.
She is a very beautiful lady, had a beautiful familly, a lovelly husband … kids … and everything she could dream for.
But she was never happy at home … always having fights with her husband.
From outside … they looked like the perfect familly …but from inside … everything was a mess.
One day she falled in love of another married man … and they started a wonderfull love story.
The story itself is a very long one, and i will not mention it, cause it will take 3 days to write it, but most import is what she told me many times … in that relationship she got something that made her be a totally different person.
Since that relationship started everything at home was metamorphosised into pure harmony.
So … how can we define my friend?!
Was it moral what she was doing?!
Difficult to define, but the effect itself it was the contrary effect the firts one we discussed into the begining.
So … you can come with bad, but also with good energies at home … but

probably most important is to realise this theory and think all the time about it.

The love story that you can’t forget

We start understanding the concept of being in love … maybe even into the kindergarten.
We understand from the early age of life, the power of a smile or that magic look that we just … love.
Years are passing … disappointments apper in our life … and we start to change.
We develop inside of us an autoprotective system that dont let us be in love for 100%.
We feel love … but we dont allow ourself to love with the whole heart … not anymore.

But … surprise … one day, without realising, we just loose the control of everything and we fall in love with that magic person.
If difficult to explain in words, but everything is over our powers of controlling the situation.
We have a strong mind, that makes us understand that is not ok … but suddenly the heart takes control over our mind.
Staying alone … with you … drinking a coffee …the image with the smile and that look appears again and again and again.

If you ask yourself what is the meaning of life, a clear definition …will be very difficult to answear, but … maybe one of the most important things in the world is to love … so just allow your heart to follow that road … to happiness or to nowhere.
Life is too beautiful and maybe too short to live it in a robotic way.
Enjoy that magic smile of the person you re thinking all the time at!

Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love stories” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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